Educators have a responsibility to provide parents/guardians with regular progress updates on their child’s learning.
Progress is measured based on the learning standards in our Provincial Curriculum.
How do we communicate student progress?
Ongoing learning updates
- Meetings
- Phone calls
- Emails
- Assessed work sent home
- Portfolios
- Student presentations
Scheduled Learning Updates
- Interview or conference
- Student participation
- Core Competency Self-Assessment and Student Goal Setting conversations
- Interviews or conferences must occur a minimum of 2x a year
Formal Learning Updates
- Learning updates: November & March report cards (K-8), January & June report cards (9-12)
- Summary of Learning: November & March report cards (K-8), January & June report cards (9-12)
- Report cards written in MyEducation BC
- Core competencies and student goal setting – 2x a year as part of reporting
What you’ll see
Proficiency scale – Kindergarten to grade 8
Letter grades – Grade 9
Percentages – Grades 10-12
What will this look like on a report card?
Grades K-3
- proficiency scale
- written comments
Grades 4-8
- proficiency scale (letter grade by request)
- written comments
Grade 9
- letter grades (2021-2022)
- proficiency scale (letter grades by request, 2022-2023)
- written comments
Grades 10-12
- percentages
- written comments
Essential Skills – Core Competencies
The Core Competencies are sets of intellectual, personal, and social and emotional proficiencies that all students need to engage in deep, lifelong learning. Along with literacy and numeracy foundations, they are central to British Columbia’s K-12 curriculum and assessment system and directly support students in their growth as educated citizens. ()
Who will write the report cards?
Classroom teachers are responsible for assessments and writing the report card. Learning Support Teachers and English Language Learner teachers will provide assessment for the support that they provide a student.
Students receiving services may have notes from the district-based support staff.
At Middle and Secondary schools each subject teacher will complete the report card for their subject area.
Identification and Early Assessment
Early identification is an essential element of successful program planning for students with diverse needs. Students may be identified before they enter the school system and may be receiving specialized services prior to entering Kindergarten. These services may include Supported Childcare, Speech and Language Therapy, OT/PT services, etc. and/or private or District Early Learning programming (Strong Start). These students may have a well-developed transition plan that involves parent preparation checklists, transitioning IEP, interventions and support staff development.
In some circumstances whether outside agencies are involved or not, parents may outline their child’s diverse needs at the time of school registration. Transition to School Kindergarten Entry in New Westminster document is available for all parents. In all these cases, existing assessment and programming information will have been gathered prior to the student’s entry to school, which facilitates a positive and successful transition.
Assessment Tools
(Adopted from Jennifer Katz)
Level A:
These are curriculum-based and performance-based assessments, and they are not normed or standardized. Level A assessments can include classroom assessments, work samples, checklists, and student interviews completed by the classroom teacher in collaboration with a Learning Support Teacher.
Level B:
These are school-based assessments that are standardized or normed. The Level B category would generally include most individual or group tests of achievement or interest, screening and personnel tests. Level B assessments must be administered by a Learning Support Teacher who has completed their coursework and training in Level B assessments.
Level C:
These are district-based standardized assessments administered by a District School Psychologist.
*Level B and Level C assessments typically make up a psycho-educational assessment.
Additional questions
What is a Psycho-education Assessment?
Together, Level B, and Level C assessments make up a complete Psycho-educational assessment. In some situations, Level A assessments may be used.
Not all students require a complete Psycho-education assessment for their school programming. For some students, Level A and/or Level B assessment provides adequate information for student programming.
What is the process for getting my child formally assessed by the school?
The School-Based Team initiates the referral for formal assessment based on the child’s performance in school.
If you have concerns and believe that formal assessment should be considered, the first step in getting your child assessed would be to contact the Classroom Teacher who may then bring your child forward to the School-Based Team for problem-solving and possible school-based assessment.
Will the school accept formal assessments done privately?
Yes, if the formal assessment is complete, and the report meets the guidelines and criteria of the Ministry of Education for a designation in one of the special education categories. The school district makes the final determination that the student is to be designated as a child with special needs. Parents can speak with their Learning Support Teacher if they have any questions regarding private assessments.
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