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All about Individual Learning Plans (IEP’s)

The Individual Education Plan (IEP) is a key document that outlines how the school will support your child’s learning needs.

An Individual Education Plan (IEP) is a working document and may contain the same goals and objectives from year-to-year with changes only to the strategies. An IEP is not a document that needs to be completely re-written each year but rather flows with the learning successes of your child.

The Ministry of Education describes an IEP as an individual education plan designed for a student and includes one or more of the following:

(a) learning outcomes for a course, subject and grade that are different from or in addition to the expected learning outcomes for a course, or subject and grade, as set out in the applicable educational program guide for that course, subject and grade, as the case may be;

(b) a list of support services required for the student to achieve the learning outcomes established for the student;

(c) a list of the adapted materials, or instructional or assessment methods required by the student to meet the learning outcomes established for the student in the IEP, pursuant to a ministerial order or in a local program.

An IEP is

  • A concise, usable document that summarizes the plan for the student’s
    education program.
  • A tool to assist teachers in monitoring and communicating student
  • A plan developed, implemented, and monitored by school staff, in consultation with others involved with the student … including parents and caregivers.
  • A flexible, working document with meaning for all
  • An ongoing plan to ensure continuity in programing.