Our staff and teams

Depending your child’s needs, there are a wide variety of school-based and district allocated staff who may be available to help support your child. See below for a better idea of the range of specialists and experts, and to get a better sense of what each of them is responsible for doing.

School-based staff

School Counsellor Facilitates the educational, personal, social-emotional, and career development of students.

Develops Individual Education Plans (IEP) for students in Ministry Categories R and H.

Liaises with community partners and supports outside agency referrals.

Supports staff with self-care, social emotional learning, mental health and trauma training.

Aboriginal Support Worker Provides academic, social-emotional, and cultural support for
Indigenous students.

Liaises with families and community members.

Educational Assistant Supports all students in their educational program.

Supports implementation of Positive Behaviour Support Plans.

Works under the direction of the classroom teacher and/or the Learning Support Teacher.

Participates in the development of Individual Education Plans (IEP).

Supports implementation of a student’s Individual Education Plans (IEP).

Child and Youth Care Worker Works directly with students in classrooms and other settings to support student wellness.

Implements groups to support self-regulation, social skills, leadership
and diversity.

Provides attendance support and outreach.

Works under the direction of the Counsellor, Administrator and School-Based Team.

Learning Support Teacher Classroom support in academics.

Push-in and pull-out instruction.

Co-teaching and collaboration with classroom teachers.

Individual Education Plan (IEP) development and implementation.

Teach enrolling courses at the secondary level.

English Language Learning Support Teacher Support English Language Learning students (Level 1 to 5).

Annual Instruction Plan development and implementation.

Teach enrolling courses at the secondary level.

Support students in their classrooms.


District-wide staff

Speech Language Pathologist Service delivery involves assessment, consultation, and in some cases direct service.

Service is prioritized to students in kindergarten to grade 3.

Referred by the School-Based Team in consultation with parents.

Speech Language Pathologist – Early Literacy Provides support to all staff in the area of literacy interventions.

Focuses on supporting skills at the early elementary level.

May provide direct support to students on a short-term basis.

Referred by the School-Based Team in consultation with parents.

Occupational Therapist Collaborates with families, schools, and other service providers to support students who fall in Low Incidence Ministry Categories (A to G).

Services are provided by employees of Share Society.

Referred by the School-Based Team in consultation with parents.

Physical Therapist Collaborates with families, schools, and other service providers to support students who fall in Low Incidence Ministry Categories (A to G).

Services are provided by employees of Share Society.

Referred by the School-Based Team in consultation with the parents.

Vision Teacher Supports students who meet Ministry of Education criteria for a designation of visual impairment – Ministry Category E.

Referred by the School-Based Team in consultation with the parents.

Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Supports students who meet Ministry of Education criteria for a designation of Deaf or Hard of Hearing – Ministry Category F.

Referred by the School-Based Team in consultation with the parents.

Behaviour Support and Intervention /
Supports School-Based Teams with Functional Behaviour Assessments and Positive Behaviour Support Plans.

Referred by the School-Based Team in consultation with the parents.

Parent Guide to Inclusive Education, Navigation

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